Source: Getty

Ecommerce is having a moment in 2020. A steadily-increasing shift to mobile turned into an all-out sprint with the onset of the global pandemic, shifting consumer behavior in unimaginable ways. While no one could anticipate the seismic economic impact in 2020, Button is well-positioned to extend its value.

Since our inception, Button has set out to transform the way businesses transact in the mobile commerce channel. Importantly, and distinctly, we set out to do so with a concerted effort to ensure the highest level of attribution fidelity and data portability between publishers and brands. Companies from Sam's Club to to Uber leverage Button to optimize their mobile partnerships. In concert with networks, MMPs, CDPs, and other ecosystem players, Button has shaped an environment that allows each of those players to create more value on behalf of their retailers in the face of this consumer behavior shift. 

It's a simple premise: get consumers to the point of purchase as effectively as possible. Then, get them to come back. PostTap App is the only mobile-routing technology optimized to deliver on this premise for affiliate, built upon a foundational understanding that mobile linking in this environment is highly complex, and maintaining accurate last-click attribution is paramount.

Our latest advancement automatically unpacks this complexity into actionable decisions, at the sacrifice of nobody and the benefit of all, opening up an opportunity for marketers that may be more impactful than anything we've built to date.

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Through machine learning, PostTap is now dynamically optimizing where mobile links route, and in doing so, creating an additional 37% lift in revenue per click for our first brand live with this update. 

By embedding the multi-armed bandit algorithm into our machine learning platform, we've unlocked the ability to generate real-time routing decisions with tap-level precision. Every tap is more intelligent, more seamless, and more profitable—bringing each consumer to the most performant point of conversion, whether that's in app or on mobile web.  

Allow me to illustrate the challenge that Button solves. Mobile linking from tens of thousands of unique publishers is riddled with issues that stem from a vast collection of "edge cases" that collectively represent a significant portion of traffic: different versions of operating systems, various mobile browsers, a myriad of app versions, webviews inside social platforms, webviews for publisher apps, as well as where and how users tap on links. In many ways, nearly every tap is unique, invoking a permutation of these edge cases.

Where each tap is routed determines how well it performs. These decisions (or the lack thereof) directly impact whether users see broken experiences, whether attribution is lost, or whether users ever reach their intended destinations. Yet for a marketer, solving for this complexity was practically and technically impossible; there was no way to customize every link to perform at scale across all sources of traffic. 

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Button's new machine learning engine makes those days history. We can now dynamically identify where to route users based on the outcomes our marketers are seeking–whether their focus is maximizing GMS, conversion rates, new buyers, or app installs–without brands lifting a finger.

This enhancement to PostTap is yielding a 37% lift in conversion for a top-five brand on our platform, and it's getting rolled out for all our brands using Reach.

Adding an additional 37% lift on top of the existing 50% lift in revenue per click is creating more opportunity for our PostTap product than we've ever seen.

If you're driving $10M a year from your affiliate channel in mobile, wouldn't it be great to see $8.7M more in revenue just by ensuring links reach their destination?

To learn how Button for Retailers can improve outcomes for your business in affiliate, contact us today!