This retailer selected Button's PostTap platform to help achieve these goals.
By leveraging Button's PostTap App solution, the brand was not only able to achieve its app download goals, but it also saw increased CVR across their mobile program - all while enhancing its ability to track performance back into their internal reporting platform.
The Brands's Objectives:
As part of their PostTap App campaigning, the retailer utilized Button's machine learning platform— this unlocks the ability to automatically generate real-time routing decisions with tap-level precision. Every tap is more intelligent, more seamless, and more profitable. PostTap App determines the best shopping experience for each user, be it mweb or app.
Results compared to standard network links
Button's PostTap App technology optimally routes users
on the most performant journey to improve conversion outcomes.
With PostTap App, brands can drive better conversion rates, more orders, higher numbers of app users, and improved LTV - all with an overall cleaner user experience.
Interested in learning more about using PostTap App across your paid
media channels? Reach out to Button today!